The International Pediatric Balance Network is a professional network of specialists involved in assessment and management of children with balance disorders.
Balance disorders in children generate significant distress and comorbidity in children affecting their overall development.
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment is essential to improve qualities of lives in these children. The specialty of pediatric balance disorders is multidisciplinary spanning across many medical disciplines. It involves a wide range of professionals who work together to achieve the goal of improving lives.
An important cause for balance problems in children is a disorder of the vestibular system, a sensory organ located near the hearing organ in the inner ear. More than half of hearing losses are associated with a vestibular loss as well. Assessment, diagnosis and management of such disorders is an art and requires expertise, skill and patience.
Over the last 20 years, specialists and researchers have become increasingly interested in pediatric vestibular disorders with rising awareness. The role of vestibular information on psychomotor development has been identified and the impact of a simultaneous vestibular deficit on top of a hearing loss in children needs to be considered.
The International Pediatric Balance Network (IPBN) is an organization whose main objectives are to facilitate exchanges among and disseminate knowledge to professionals and families caring for children with balance disorders.
Message from the president

After many decades of obscurity, vestibular function in children is gradually being recognized as an important factor in balance disorders, psychomotor and cognitive development.
Decades back, I was one of the first in the world to create the speciality of balance disorders in paediatrics. I have always made sure to share my experience and knowledge with as many professionals as possible who were involved in the management of balance disorders in children. I am happy to note that my work has inspired many colleagues to become leaders in their own countries.
Gradually, the need arose for a concrete group of supporters of the vestibular cause in paediatrics. Today, the International Pediatric Balance Network is the culmination of all the efforts we have made together over many years. The IPBN has a great role to play in promoting research, improving knowledge on pediatric balance with a special emphasis on vestibular disorders in children.
Prof Sylvette Wiener- Vacher
President IPBN

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